
The domestic security situation, such as in Indonesia, has seen several cases of separatism or rebellion in several regions, where cases of separatism or rebellion with attempts to liberate themselves or break away from parts of the Indonesian state often occur, including the case of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in in 1976 which ended in 2004 along with the tsunami in Aceh, then in the previous period there was also the South Maluku rebellion in 1950 and what is still happening now is the Free Papua Organization which is still showing the existence of resistance to the sovereignty of the Indonesian state. And Indonesia is a country with cases of separatism that are still inherent today, especially in the Papua region. In conducting observations with related parties, especially the military, efforts to resolve conflicts in this region are often hampered by several factors, including the difficulty of troop mobility to certain areas. So walking is less effective, especially if logistics and ammunition supplies are limited because they are carried without transport vehicles. And other factors such as personnel safety in the terrain traversed are quite extreme if the personnel are being scouted by the enemy in terrain that does not allow for open resistance. Indonesia itself has land defense equipment which has the function of assisting its military activities, but not all land defense equipment like the one Indonesia has, namely the Anoa 3 (Armoured Personnel Carrier) or armored personnel carrier vehicles, can travel through extreme terrain such as the terrain in the Papua region. So using this defense equipment is only suitable in urban areas in Papua and this is a complicated consideration, it is possible that deploying this defense equipment will only cause material losses for the government. So from the explanation of these problems, the author conducted research and observations regarding these problems with the aim of realizing steps to resolve this protracted conflict with the priority of the safety and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. Other aspects of the military such as nationalism, patriotism and responsibility are the goals for creating design concepts in designing personnel transport vehicles that are suitable for extreme terrain in Indonesia to support domestic security.

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