
Despro visit to the Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI)

Thu, 06 Jul 2023
9:55 am
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Oleh : Admin-Desain Produk Industri   |

On June 27 2023, the Product Design Department of F-Creabiz ITS carried out an industrial visit to the Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI), which is part of the Indonesian Ministry of Industry. This activity aims to strengthen relations between the two institutions and explore the possibility of collaboration in several fields, such as practical work/internships, joint research, guest lectures, and workshops/training.

The Departmental delegation led by the Head of Department, Mr. Bambang Tristiyono, was also joined by the heads of laboratories. The arrival of the group was greeted enthusiastically by the Head of BPIPI and his team, showing the same interest in building closer collaboration.

For about 5 hours of the visit agenda, the group was given the opportunity to see the design process to footwear production at BPIPI. They gain in-depth insight into the latest innovations and technologies applied in the shoe industry. After that, a presentation and discussion session was held between the two parties.

The outcome of the meeting was an agreement to establish more concrete cooperation in an effort to develop and empower small businesses in the national footwear sector. The collaboration aims to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of these small businesses so that they can compete with established brands.

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