Since the establishment of Batavia Golf Club (now Jakarta Golf Club (JGC)) in 1872, golf has been growing in Indonesia. Currently, Indonesia has around 150 golf courses spread across the country, 49% of which are located on the island of Java. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the most popular outdoor sport is golf. This is because the golf game is carried out in an open and spacious space so that it complies with social distancing regulations. Therefore, throughout 2020 – 2022, enthusiasts of this sport have increased to 8000 people per year. On the other hand, the increase in golf enthusiasts increases the demand for golf clothing and equipment. Therefore, various brands, both local and foreign, offer their products to the golf industry market in Indonesia. Unfortunately, local Indonesian brands produce more golf apparel and accessories than golf shoes. Only one local brand produces spikeless golf shoes with original design but still using regular shoelaces. Based on a survey of 20 potential golfers, 80% of the players have experienced loose/stretched shoelaces in the middle of the game. This affects the concentration of the players and buy time when hitting the ball. In fact, based on the latest rules from the United States of Golf Association (USGA) as of January 2023, the recommended time for a player to hit the ball is 40 seconds so that the slightest thing can affect the player’s focus in that situation. It is proven that 66.7% of people whose shoelaces are loose while playing admit that their concentration is disturbed so that it affects the results of the shot. Therefore, the designed spikeless golf shoes will use a lacing system equivalent to the existing BOA® Fit system to overcome these problems and become a differentiator from the existing local spikeless golf shoes. Based on the author’s survey, spikeless golf shoes are more favored by the local market because it looks neater and more comfortable when worn walking on the course. This is proven by 80% of golfers in Indonesia tend to choose spikeless golf shoes and some of their statements that support this when interviewed.