
Guest Lecture from ITS Industrial Design Department “Basic Principles of Military Products”

Thu, 09 May 2024
10:00 am
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Oleh : Admin-Desain Produk Industri   |


If you are interested in taking part in the military world and are studying Design, the time is right to find out and learn more. Presenting through the Military Product Design course of the ITS Product Design Department: Basic Principles of Military Products. With the resource person Mr. Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) Yudo Ponco Ari from the Indonesian Navy’s Frog Troop Command (KOPASKA) which will be held on,

Day, date: Thursday, May 16, 2024
Time: 13.30 WIB
Place: R.109 ITS Product Design Department


Don’t forget to save the date and invite other friends. Get to know more about Military Product Design.


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