Our gratitude to God the Almighty, Creative Design and Digital Business Faculty ITS will host the 5th of ICCI (International Conference of Creative Industry) after the first ICCI in 2011, the second in 2013, the third in 2015, and the fourth in 2017 received a good reception and were successful. The 5th of ICCI is an international conference that was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 5th of ICCI uses a digital platform as a form of adaptation to the covid-19 pandemic and is in accordance with the ICCI theme related to Digital Creative Synergy. ICCI is a strategic international forum to bring together various parties directly related to the creative industry, business, and digital collaboration, so any support, both in terms of funding, collaboration and cooperation, will be very beneficial in organizing this activity. Finally, we thank you for the cooperation of all parties who support the running of this ICCI.