Day/Date: Saturday 25 Januari 2020
It is a series of Ini Lho ITS 2020 events that invite high school students to find out more about campus life at ITS Surabaya. The event began with the National UTBK Try Out for Saintek & Soshum which was then continued with the Laboratoium Touring within the ITS Faculty Depatemen.
The Department of Industrial Product Design as part of ITS invites students to visit the laboratories in it. Accompanied by students association of the IDE Hima, they get an explanation of what they can experience and do while studying here, facilities and laboratories that can be accessed, as well as tips and tricks for lectures at Despro ITS.
Hello Designer! On January 19, 2025, the ITS Industrial Design Department received a visit from high school students at
Hello Designer! On January 14 and January 16, 2025, the ITS Industrial Design Department held a Final Project Session
Alhamdulillah in 2024 ITS, the best university/ranking 1 in Indonesia ranked based on their research performance in Product and