Good News from Despro ITS!
Congratulations to Mr. Dr. Agus Windharto, DEA. and the team that won the title of The Winner in the Good Design category in the Good Design Indonesia 2022 award with the work of the Jabodebek LRT (ITS & PT INKA collaboration), Gesits Medium E-Scooter MD (ITS & PT WIMA collaboration), and Gesits Mini E-Scooter M1 (ITS & PT WIMA collaboration).
Good Design Indonesia (GDI) is a national scale awarding event given to the best design works in Indonesia. This program has been organized by the Directorate General of National Export Development (DJPEN), Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, since 2017. For the winners of GDI of the Year and GDI Best, in addition to receiving a certificate signed by the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, they also won the GDI trophy and were facilitated to participated in the Good Design Award or G-Mark event in Tokyo, Japan.
Hopefully, with this achievement, the name of Product Design will be increasingly recognized and will always provide inspiration and a good example for the community and future generations
Congratulations to Mr. Bambang Tristiyono, S.T., M.Si.! He has been elected as the Head of the ITS Industrial
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