
Two wheeled motor vehicles, scooter more specifically are very popular and keep increasing in popularity in Indonesia. This also include the electric vehicle category. The demand on electric motorcycle is predicted to keep increasing. This increase in demand is caused by the push by the government on the producent to market electric vehicles and to consumer to purchase electric vehicles. The other factor is the consumer demand. Y and Z generation from mid to mid-high economy class are stating that environmental issues are important and they agree that they need to participate directly on saving the environment. 63 percent of high economy class consumer state that they will purchase the more environmental friendly option of an item even if the item are more expensive than the conventional counterpart. However, currently in Indonesia there are only few options for luxury electric scooter. For that reason, research for user needs on luxury electric scooter according to luxury scooter user needs to be conducted. The result of this research is a design requirement and objectives table and later on can be used as a guide on designing luxury electric scooter with Y and Z generation from mid to mid high economy class in Indonesia as the target user. The data collection process is done trough literature research, in-depth interview, and field observations. From the research, we found that there are four category of user requirements. Those four categories are attractive styling, comfortable ride, good handling, and high practicality.

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