Previously, ICCI was attended by participants from 7 countries, namely Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, South Africa and Indonesia. The scopes included in the creative industry are (but are not limited to): design and architecture, fashion industry, film industry, games, photography, music, art, software, computer games, radio, TV, crafts, art and antiques, printing, publishing and advertising.
The professional backgrounds of the participants are academics, practitioners and policy makers. These academics are BRIN, researchers, lecturers, S1/Polytechnic students, S2/S3 or SMK/SMA teachers who are in charge of the field of study based on creativity; while the policy makers are government representatives such as from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Ministry
of Industry, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Manpower, and the Ministry of Cooperatives and IKM. ICCI also invites representatives from associations related to the creative industry, such as designer associations (such as APPMI, ADPII, HDMI, AINAKI, APMETI, IAI, ADGI), industry associations (such as ASKRINDO, APMI,IPF) and organizations / foundations that have an interest in cultural development.
ICCI provides a forum for various parties to discuss experiences/analysis, as well as identify challenges and opportunities in facing the current digital era.