Gambar 3 Pembicara Kunci: Mentri Koperasi dan IKM, DR. Syarief Hasan
Figure 3 The Keynote Speaker : the Minister of Cooperation and Small Enterprises Republic of Indonesia, DR. Syarief
Gambar 4 Suasana Plenary Session ICCI 1, Para pembicara (ki-ka): Kenta Kishi, Baroto Indrojarwo, Singgih,
Agus Windharto
Figure 4 The Plenary Session of 1st ICCI, Keynote speakers, from left to right: Kenta Kishi, Baroto Indrojarwo,
Singgih, DR Agus Windharto
Gambar 5 Para pembicara, pembicara kunci, panitia ICCI 2 dan staff Pemkot Surabaya pada acara Welcome
Figure 5 The plenary speakers, keynote speakers, together with the 2nd ICCI 2013 chairman and advisory boards,
and the Surabaya City Government official, at the Welcome Dinner
Gambar 6 Sesi Plenary Session 1 (ki-ka): EllyaZulaikha (Moderator), Anre Fourie ( TUT- South Africa) and Prof.
Margot Brereton (QUT – Australia)
Figure 6 1st Plennary Session left to right: EllyaZulaikha (Moderator), Anre Fourie ( TUT- South Africa) and Prof.
Margot Brereton (QUT – Australia)
Gambar 7 Rektor ITS, Menteri Perindustrian dan para pembicara pada pembukaan ICCI 3 2015 di Bali
Figure 7 Rector of ITS, Ministry of Industry, and all speaker opened the 3rd ICCI 2015 Bali
Gambar 8 Plenary Session 1 (ki-ka): 1st Plennary Session Gaurang Desai (The american University of Sharjah,
UEA), Jared Donovan ( QUT, Brisbane – Australia), Prof. Yoo Sang Wok (Pukyong National University, South
Korea) and Baroto Tavip Indrojarwo (Moderator)
Figure 8 1st Plenary Session left to right: Gaurang Desai (The american University of Sharjah, UEA), Jared
Donovan ( QUT, Brisbane – Australia), Prof. Yoo Sang Wok (Pukyong National University, South Korea) and Baroto
Tavip Indrojarwo (Moderator)
Gambar 9 Pembukaan ICCI 4 2017 oleh ketua, Rahmatsyam Lakoro
Figure 9 Opening Speech by Chairman of the 4th ICCI 2017, Rahmatsyam Lakoro
Gambar 10 Plenary Session 1 (ki-ka): Anggri Indraprasti (Moderator), Dr. Christian De Beukalaer (The University
of Melbourne, Australia), Diana Natsir (Director of Artura, Indonesia) and Dahlan Iskan (Former CEO of Jawa
Pos Group, Indonesia)
Figure 10 1st Plennary Session left to right: Anggri Indraprasti (Moderator), Dr. Christian De Beukalaer (The
University of Melbourne, Australia), Diana Natsir (Director of Artura, Indonesia) and Dahlan Iskan (Former CEO of
Jawa Pos Group, Indonesia)