Profile Naila Maharani Vianahar, S.Ds., M.Ds.

Profile Naila Maharani Vianahar, S.Ds., M.Ds.

NIP 199508062024062002
Functional Position -
Laboratory Integrated Digital Design
Education Background
  • S1 ITS Industrial Product Design
  • S2 ITB Design
  • Courses taught -
    Best Work 1. Kencaka - Interactive Media Design for the Introduction of Jaran Kencak Tradition at the Lumajang Museum
    2. ⁠Study of the Development of the Buton Weaving Tradition of the Kulisusu Community, Southeast Sulawesi
    3. Ruru Seru - Revitalization of the Design of the Damar Kurung Tradition of Gresik, East Java
    Publication Scholar