DKPU-ITS (Directorate of Cooperation and Business Management) is a service agency that is directly under the control of the ITS Vice Chancellor IV. DKPU has a strategic position in ITS because of its function as a revenue generator for ITS.
In relation to the collaboration process at ITS, which begins with the creation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), we have attached the submission process along with an infographic for the MoU submission. Click here to submit the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Based on Law No. 7/2021 concerning the Amendment of Income Tax (PPh) 21 rates for experts, the following are the rates used for calculating the PPh 21 for expert honorariums. Here is the link to download the e-billing application template for PPh 21 expert honorariums:
Here is the link to submit the e-billing application for PPh 21 expert honorariums: