The Directorate of Business Cooperation and Management (DKPU) of ITS was established based on the Regulation of the Chancellor of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology No. 26 of 2019 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the Secretaries of Institutes, Directorates, Bureaus, Offices, Libraries, and Units within the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. DKPU ITS is an element of business unit management which includes the management of professional cooperation, assets and independent businesses.
As a strategic developer and executor in the field of cooperation and business management, DKPU-ITS operates under the authority of the Deputy Rector IV, DKPU-ITS holds a strategic position at ITS due to its functions, primarily serving as a revenue generator for the institution.
Fundamentally, the role of being a revenue generator for ITS has been carried out through various activities encompassing educational cooperation, research, community service, professional collaboration, and asset utilization. However, with ITS’s transformation into a Legal Entity State University (ITS PTN-BH), the scope of institutional fundraising and financial management has expanded, aiming to enhance the contribution of non-government and non-tuition fee revenue sources in supporting the implementation of the Higher Education Tri Dharma.
Despite the challenging responsibilities of DKPU, DKPU-ITS is committed to providing the best service and collaborating to the fullest extent with all stakeholders, both within the ITS community and with external partners who have collaborated or will collaborate with ITS. The hope is that ITS’s contributions in terms of commercial and support aspects will experience significant improvement.
Based on the Rector’s Regulation of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Number 26 of 2019 regarding the Organization and Work Procedures of the Secretary of the Institute, Directorates, Bureaus, Offices, Libraries, and Units within the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, the functions of DKPU-ITS include: