
List of Achievements

Every year in a row, students and academics succeed in making achievements to make the names of departments, faculties and institutes uplifting. Below is a list of awards or achievements achieved by students and academic community of Department of Visual Communication Design, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, both at national and international levels

  • Juara 3 Lomba Animasi Visualisasi Rempah/Jalur Rempah – Direktorat kebudayaan kemendikbud RI- Marcello Ryandra
  • Apresiasi Bolu International Poster Design Competition – Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University – Adhec Saputra
  • Juara 1 Lomba Visual Storytelling – Student At Home Challenge IPB 2020 – Nabila Disarifianti
  • Juara 1 bidang lomba animasi GEMASTIK 12 di Telkom University Bandung, nama tim : Loudsky
  • Juara harapan bidang lomba animasi GEMASTIK 12 di Telkom University Bandung, nama tim : Ghebs
  • Juara 2 poster GEMASTIK 12, nama tim : Loudsky
  1. LZY Visual (DKV 2012)
  2. Abdul Manan Heru (DKV 2015)
  3. Alfa Fachrul Islam (DKV 2015)

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