Greeting From Head of Department

Dr. Rahmatsyam Lakoro, S.Sn, M.T.


Assalaamu’alaikum WarahmatulLaahi Wabarakaatuh,

Welcome to the Website of Visual Communication Design Study Program, FDKBD ITS

This website contains general information about ITS Visual Communication Design Department: S1 Study Program and its curriculum, lecturers (general data, research, and publications), Study Program collaboration, information on various activities of students and lecturers in the department, alumni data, job vacancy information, etc.

Visual Communication Design ITS is one of the study programs with the highest interest in the selection of college entrance exams at ITS. The vision of the Visual Communication Design Study Program is to become an internationally reputed study program in the fields of design, culture, media, technology and its application that supports the design and industrial sciences.

Visual Communication Design Sciences has taken many roles and contributed in various institutions including creative industries, education, government information technology, production houses, advertising, and other fields both at home and abroad. We hope this website provides the information you need.

We really need criticism and suggestions to improve the quality of this website in the future.

Vivat Desain Komunikasi Visual ITS

Wassalaamualaikum WarahmatulLaahi Wabarakaatuh,

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