Regulation and Information

Information Center for Academic Activities in Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design ITS have higher education goals that refers to:

  • Administering industrial product design and visual communication design-based education, research, and public service while incorporating technological, communication can management advancement in serving social needs including government, community and industry as whole.
  • Producing graduates that can think critically and scientifically, creative and innovative, communicative, collaborative, having ICT skill, self-learning improvement, and can embrace multi-cultural differences.
  • Safeguarding and developing social morale and ethics
  • Producing research and design works that are useful, innovative, and adaptive according to cultural development
  • Producing a mutualistic cooperation with industry, government, and both local and foreign communities
  • Carrying design education efficiently, innovatively, and continuously.

Manual for Implementation and Preparation of Practical Work Reports (DV234702)

Practical Work Course Guidelines - Visual Communication Design Department Internship

Semester Learning Plan (SLP) Department of Visual Communication Design 2023 - 2028

Minutes of Presentation K2 Visual Communication Design Department

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