Final Project

Final Project Visual Communication Design Department

Design as a cross-disciplinary field allows for the emergence of broader research themes as study subjects. Similarly, the field of Visual Communication Design requires knowledge from other disciplines in the creation of works, such as communication, engineering, information technology, science, and art. One effort made to achieve this goal is by providing students with the opportunity to freely choose the object of study for their FINAL PROJECT. Starting from the chosen theme, students will gain a broad and profound intellectual insight as a reference for the planning they will undertake. Students independently define the scope of visual communication design they want to explore for their FINAL PROJECT, focusing on issues that interest them.

Some general research themes that can be developed include:

  1. Social Theme, examines issues related to the phenomenon of daily human activities, such as social services, lifestyle, the relationship between design and society, etc.
  2. Cultural Theme, explores design issues related to cultural aspects, such as the connection between design and visual cultural identity, the influence of Western culture in design, cultural industries, etc.
  3. Technology Theme, encompasses various aspects of scientific competence, such as design with communication technology, technological innovation, graphic technology development, etc.
  4. Economic Theme, its scope includes examining design issues in relation to economic aspects, such as issues related to enhancing product competitiveness, packaging design as an added economic value, market segmentation, etc.
  5. Industrial Theme, the scope of design studies in relation to industrial issues, such as the introduction of new equipment in the world of graphic design, packaging systems, empowerment of small and medium-sized industries, product promotion, production systems, etc.
  6. Environmental Theme, focuses on design issues related to the environment, such as environmentally conscious design, Environmental Graphics, City Branding, eco-labeling, etc.
  7. Aesthetic Theme, covers various aesthetic issues such as those related to style development, experiments in visual language, applied aesthetics in design works, creative visual experiments, etc.


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