The Directorate of Technology and Information System Development (DPTSI) has the duty to provide and manage Information Technology services in the ITS environment. Regarding the role, DPTSI has the role to support academic activities, research and community service, and managerial in the ITS environment in order to help ITS achieve its vision and mission.
A Brief History DPTSI, according to history, was originally a unit, namely the UPT Computer Center. This unit was formed in 1982 equipped with a Honeywell Bull Mini 6 System, which is a fairly good computer system. In that period the first PC generation began to develop which made Puskom eventually transform minicomputer technology into PC technology in 1988. At the beginning of 1982, the UPT Computer Center supported many ITS research staff in conducting research that needed computers to perform both processing data and solve mathematical equations. Starting in 1992, the UPT Puskom was trusted to process the test data for entering state universities in the Eastern Indonesia region and the experience in data processing was developed as well as collaboration with the City Government / Regency Government in East Java in processing data for test Civil Servants. All of this can be done well with very high accuracy (zero error) and with very strict security (100% security). Since 1999 the UPT Computer Center has been mandated to manage ITS-net, which is a network both intranet and internet for ITS as a whole. With this task, all data and information in ITS can be in a comprehensive relationship. In the new statute 2003 the UPT Computer Center functions as a technical implementing unit in the field of data management which is under and directly responsible to the Chancellor and daily guidance is carried out by the Assistant Chancellor I, with the task of collecting, processing, presenting and storing data and information and provide services for educational, research and community service programs. To carry out these tasks the UPT Computer Center has the function:
Collect and process data and information Presenting and storing data and information Conducting business affairs at the Computer Center With the issuance of Rector’s Decree number 2769.1 / K03 / OT / 2006 dated June 8, 2006 changing the name of the Computer Center UPT (PUSKOM) to ITS-ICT Services (ITS-Information and Communication Technology Services) Permendikbud No.49 of 2011 concerning ITS Statutes and Chancellor Regulations ITS No. 03 of 2012 concerning ITS OTK, changed the name of ITS-ICT Services and at the same time combined the Information System section of BAPSI, becoming a Technology and Information System Agency that has the function of managing, coordinating, controlling and developing integrated information technology and systems in accordance with statutory regulations -invitation. In carrying out the functions of the Agency for Technology and Information Systems has the task:
BTSI changed its name to LPTSI (Information System Technology Development Institute) based on Permendikbud No. 86, 2013 concerning ITS OTK. LPTSI has the task of implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating research and development activities in information technology and systems. In carrying out its duties, LPTSI performs the following functions:
In October 2016, LPTSI changed its name to DPTSI (Directorate of Technology Development and Information Systems)