Today, Tuesday, June 2, 2020, the ITS Halal Bi Halal Family was held in the framework of the Eid Al-Fitr 1441 H which was the first online halal bi halal held at ITS, with the theme Eid Al-Fitr Reflection in Diversity in the New Normal Era with Dr. K.H. Muhammad Cholil Nafis, Lc., MA., Ph.D. as Chairman of the Da’wah Committee and Community Development of the Indonesian Ulema Council.
Halal Bi Halal was also attended by ITS leadership, such as Chair of the ITS Board of Trustees – Prof. Dr. Muh. Noah, Chair of the ITS Academic Senate – Prof. Ir Priyo Suprobo, Chair of the ITS Professor Council – Prof. Dr. Ir Nadjadji Anwar, 10th Rector of ITS – Prof. Dr. Ir. Triyogi Yuwono, 11th Rector of ITS – Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochammad Ashari, M. Eng, ITS 5th Rector Ir. Hariono Sigit, ITS 7th Chancellor – Prof. Ir. Soegiono, Chair of IKA ITS – Ir. Sutopo Kristanto, Chairperson of IKOMA ITS – Ir. Bambang Witjaksono, Women Dharma Wanita ITS Unity, all Vice-Chancellors, Institute Secretaries, Deans, Heads of Departments, Heads of Bureaus, Head of Departments and Head of Subdivisions, all ITS Lecturers and Education Personnel, and Invitation Guests from BNI Syariah, BNI KCP ITS, BTN KCP KCP ITS, Mandiri KCP ITS, and BRI KCP ITS.
The event began with remarks from the ITS Rector – Dr. Ir. Mochammad Ashari, M. Eng. and a few apologies from Birth and Inner from the ITS leadership.
Followed by the Reading of the Holy Verses of the Koran with its Sari Tilawah by Mauli Della Student Department Dept. Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Data Analysis, Novia Khurotul Aini Student Dept. Geomatics Engineering, and Tsania Az Zahra Student Dept. Informatics
The next event was the Report of the Chairman of the Islamic Spiritual Guidance Team and the Head of the Manarul Ilmi Mosque ITS Management Team – Prof.Dr.H.Agus Zainal Arifin.
Followed by the awarding and symbolic congratulations to the Hafidz Qur’an ITS.
And entering the core event, Tausiyah Religion by Dr. KH. Cholil Navis, Lc., M.A., with the theme of Eid Reflection in Diversity in the New Normal Era. The event was closed by a prayer reading from Dr. Darmaji. S.Si., M.T.
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