On Wednesday, June 17, 2020, Sepuluh Nopember Institute Technology in collaboration with the National Standardization Agency (BSN) and Bukalapak held a Webinar with the theme Introduction to SNI ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS). The webinar was attended by lecturers, educators, and students. Online takes place via Zoom, approximately 3 hours.
The event was hosted by a Moderator from BSN, Yopi Prasetya Haeroni, S. Kom. as the Auditor and Implementer of SNI ISO / IEC 27001. Furthermore, the event was opened by Dr. Ir. Puji Winarni, M.A., as the Main Secretary of BSN.
Mr. Eng. Ir. Ahmad Rusdiansyah, M.Eng. as Vice Rector III for HRO and ICT ITS got the opportunity to give his remarks at this event.
There were 3 speakers at this webinar session, two speakers from BSN namely, Mr. Drs. Slamet Aji Pamungkas, M. Eng., And Mr. Budi Triswanto, S.T., M.M., and one speaker from Bukalapak, Mrs. Ian Agisti.
Mr. Drs. Slamet Aji Pamungkas, M. Eng., As Head of the Center for Data and Information Systems BSN conveyed the importance of a standard in the information security management system. The material was continued by Mr. Budi Triswanto, S.T., M.M., Head of the Information Systems and Data Management Division. In both sessions of the speaker, also interspersed with quizzes with prizes in it, participants were so enthusiastic about this webinar.
The final material was delivered by Mrs. Ian Agisti, as the 3rd speaker. He is a Bukalapak Merchant Community and Engagement Lead. In his presentation, he conveyed the history of the formation of Bukalapak, to have a merchant community spread throughout Indonesia.
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