On Thursday, June 18, 2020, the Head of Sub Directorate of Big Data Technology Management (Pak Radityo P.W.) was a guest speaker at the Secretary General of the DPR RI (together with the Head of Subdivision of the Archives and Multimedia Documentation, Mr. Agus Santoso).
The event was held in private and was attended by a number of invited guests from ITS Lecturers and Lecturers and a number of invited guests from the Indonesian Parliament.
In the event, 2 speakers were presented: Mr. Radityo Prasetianto Wibowo, S. Kom, M. Kom., as the Head of Sub Directorate of Big Data Technology Management, and Mr. Agus Santoso, as the Head of Subdivision of Filing and Multimedia Documentation.
The first material was delivered by Pak Radityo P.W. He explained the importance of Metadata Management in the Big Data era. The next material was delivered by Mr. Agus Santoso. In his presentation, he outlined about the Importance of Metadata with the principles of Archives in the Big Data era.
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