Friday, June 26, 2020, the Computer Based Written Test (CBWT/UTBK) 2020 National Trial was held. Previously, preparations were carried out on Thursday, June 25, 2020, and were carried out by all IT admins, space technicians, server admins, and coordinated by the ICT Coordinator.
In preparation for the CBWT trial, the IT admins and room technicians check the pc and supervisor. The next activity is to install the SEB application on the PC exam and supervisor.
On the day of the implementation, the IT admin along with the room technicians did the test exercises, and continued with the CBWT national trial.
After the exam is finished, proceed with uploading BAPU from the supervisor’s PC.
The CBWT 2020 national trial process runs smoothly, all servers are online and ready for the test.
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