August 09, 2021 17:08

Compass Game Final Assessment Winners (DPTSI Winners)

Oleh : ernis | | Source : -

The Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations recently held a quiz that can be followed by all education personnel in the ITS environment. The Compass Game Final Assessment will be held from 3 to 7 May 2021. Participants can choose to take part in the CG Final Assessment within that timeframe.

Winners will be announced after the Compass Game Final Assessment is complete. And DPTSI also contributed 3 winners, namely Paramita Daniswari (Big Data Technology Sub-Directorate), Hartantya Ainiyatuts Tsaniyah (Big Data Technology Sub-Directorate), and Mudjiatin (DPTSI Staff).

The scores obtained from each winner are as follows:

  • Paramita Daniswari scored 94
  • Hartantya Ainiyatuts Tsaniyah scored 94
  • Mudjiatin scored 90

Congratulations to the winners, hopefully the knowledge gained can be useful and put to good use in the world of work.

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