In connection with the implementation of International Staff Mobility (ISM), several representatives of non-academic staff from ITS partner universities came to visit DPTSI on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. The two representatives came from Malaysia and Japan.
Mr. Rizky Januar Akbar as the Director of the DPTSI gave a speech as well as an explanation about the DPTSI. The introduction starts with the organizational structure of the DPTSI, which consists of sub directorates of IKTI, APD, LTSI – ITC, and PTBD.
The information submitted by Pak Rizky is related to the academic information system used at ITS. Starting from demonstrating Portal Office applications, myITS Academics, myITS Classroom, myITS Thesis, PDDIKTI Checked, myITS Presence, Academic SI, to SI Achievements were also delivered. The explanation of other applications such as Human Resources, Student Affair, Finance, Research and Partnership, Alumni, Student Admission, and Services was also presented.
In the explanation given by Mr. Rizky, Mr. Yuki Ohara (representative from Japan) responded well to the myITS MoU because his university did not have this yet, so he could not trace anyone who had worked with his university.
Apart from the applications previously mentioned, Mr. Rizky also demonstrated the Dashboard application, and others. He informed that most of the applications were made by DPTSI themselves, some of those used third party services.
In the sharing session, there was something that caught Mr. Yuki Ohara’s attention regarding how DPTSI attracted employees to be able to work at DPTSI, because in Japan it is very difficult to find IT employees. Mr. Rizki explained that it was indeed not easy to recruit employees, vacancies were still being published, even now the DPTSI was still opening opportunities for anyone who wanted to join.
Pak Fauzee (representative from Malaysia) asked how the work process was during the pandemic situation. Mr. Rizki explained that during the pandemic situation, all employees worked from home, but there were still jobs due to work adjustments in a pandemic situation, such as the emergence of requests for online applications such as classrooms, online attendance, and others.
After the discussion process took place, Mr. Rizky and several DPTSI colleagues accompanied the two of them to see the work situation at DPTSI and visited the server room in the IKTI room.
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DPTSI informs all students that to support ITS internationalization, student email domains have undergone the following changes: