Congratulations and success on the inauguration of Ir. Bambang Pramujati, S.T. M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D as ITS Chancellor for the 2024-2029
A few days ago, a new platform was launched, namely myITS Printing. The use of myITS Printing can now be felt by making an order process through the application.
For the first time, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) held online graduation in the midst of a pandemic. The 121st ITS Graduation Ceremony was held on Sunday,
One more application that will be issued by ITS to facilitate printing activities in the ITS environment. Today, Thursday, July 30, 2020, ITS launched a new platform called myITS
ITS VPN access is a service that allows users (in this case the ITS academic community) to use the ITS network from outside. ITS provides VPN services to make
Introducing a new platform that can now be used by the entire ITS academic community to conduct meeting sessions. ITS now has Zoom Meeting which can be used for