Headline News

ITS Chancellor’s Handover Speech

July 13, 2020 15:07:44
Latest News
July 13, 2020 15:07:44

UTBK-SBMPTN or Computer-Based Written Exams In the Joint Selection to Enter State Universities Batch II was held simultaneously from 20-23 July 2020 and 25 July 2020. UTBK-SBMPTN at ITS

July 13, 2020 15:07:44

Online submission of incentives for international scientific publications can be done through integration SIMPeg and SIMPel, with the principle of single entry and multi purposes. For more information, can

July 13, 2020 15:07:44

Microsoft Forms is one of Microsoft’s default applications that is used to make both survey and quiz forms, which are distributed to students, lecturers, students, and colleagues. This application

July 13, 2020 15:07:44

Friday, June 26, 2020, the Computer Based Written Test (CBWT/UTBK) 2020 National Trial was held. Previously, preparations were carried out on Thursday, June 25, 2020, and were carried out

July 13, 2020 15:07:44

On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, the handover of goods was carried out for the needs of the ITS network infrastructure from Aruba. Items received included 225 units of Access

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