Headline News

ITS Chancellor’s Handover Speech

May 02, 2019 16:05:59
Latest News
May 02, 2019 16:05:59

Ms. Excel has been known as a spreadsheet worksheet application program that is very helpful in data defeating and reporting activities because it is equipped with calculations and graphs

May 02, 2019 16:05:59

Dear Mr / Ms Head of Department, Please pass this information on to lecturers and students in the department. In order to complement the academic infrastructure by

May 02, 2019 16:05:59

ITS Student Dormitory meant to be a personality development facility, to increase discipline and student social care. To that end, ITS Student Dormitory provides decent and conducive housing, organizes

May 02, 2019 16:05:59

On June 11, 2019, halal bi halal events at the Rectorate for units under Field III namely: SDMO, DPTSI and ITS General Bureau. The event was initiated by Mrs.

May 02, 2019 16:05:59

On April 30, 2019, ITS introduced 2 new services namely myITS Wali and SIM Prestasi. myITS Wali service is a mobile app intended for parents / guardians to know

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