Headline News

ITS Chancellor’s Handover Speech

April 06, 2022 09:04:06
Latest News
April 06, 2022 09:04:06

Due to the CPanel License Certificate Extension, CPanel will not be accessible for some time. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your attention. Regards, DPTSI.

April 06, 2022 09:04:06

Dear Staf and Students, We inform that currently the migration process from Google to Microsoft Office 365 is in progress. This will cause access to Microsoft Office 365 services

April 06, 2022 09:04:06

As a follow-up to the Unit/Department Network Revitalization Socialization on Monday, March 28, 2022, the ITS DPTSI held a Workshop on

April 06, 2022 09:04:06

Financial Audit Board has visited to DPTSI at Monday, February, 21 2022. Around 2 p.m., the FAB Team, ITS Finance Representative, and the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information

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