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ITS Chancellor’s Handover Speech

October 24, 2022 13:10:58
Latest News
October 24, 2022 13:10:58

On Monday, October 24, 2022, at 09.00 WIB, DPTSI in collaboration with TechSource held a seminar with the theme MATLAB Goes to Campus. In this seminar, the agenda held

October 24, 2022 13:10:58

October 24, 2022 13:10:58

Gorontalo State University held a visit to the Directorate of Information System Technology Development on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. The visit was themed Benchmarking and Best Practice Development of

October 24, 2022 13:10:58

Wednesday, June 8, 2022, DPTSI received staff visits from Thailand and Turkey. The visit was in the framework of Staff Mobility 2022. The visit was attended by representatives of

October 24, 2022 13:10:58

This year ITS was held the UTBK (Computer-Based Written Examination) in one wave, starts on 17 – 23 May 2022. The UTBK implementation was held in several locations spread