Congratulations and success on the inauguration of Ir. Bambang Pramujati, S.T. M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D as ITS Chancellor for the 2024-2029
Congratulations and success on the inauguration of Ir. Bambang Pramujati, S.T. M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D as ITS Chancellor for the 2024-2029 term. May Allah SWT always give you smoothness and ease
Dear ITS Lecturer and Staff, The process of migrating email from Google to Microsoft Office 365 caused some changes in the information system on the Office 365 Portal on
Dear ITS Students, The process of migrating email from Google to Microsoft Office 365 caused some changes in the information system on the Office 365 Portal on myITS SSO.
As a follow-up to the Unit/Department Network Revitalization Socialization on Monday, March 28, 2022, the ITS DPTSI held a Workshop on