Headline News

ITS Chancellor’s Handover Speech

August 09, 2021 17:08:44
Latest News
August 09, 2021 17:08:44

In connection with the PPKM Emergency and the situation in the middle of a pandemic, therefore DPTSI enforces the latest Service Operational Hours as follows : Online Services (WA

August 09, 2021 17:08:44

The new school year has arrived for all ITS students. The initial stage as a student is to understand one of the applications that are often used daily, one

August 09, 2021 17:08:44

For ITS graduates who want to return the toga, they can follow the flow of returning the toga as follows: Fill out the Toga Return Form after sending the

August 09, 2021 17:08:44

One more application that will be issued by ITS to facilitate printing activities in the ITS environment. Today, Thursday, July 30, 2020, ITS launched a new platform called myITS

August 09, 2021 17:08:44

On April 30, 2019, ITS introduced 2 new services namely myITS Wali and SIM Prestasi. myITS Wali service is a mobile app intended for parents / guardians to know