February 07, 2022 18:02

Notification of Uploading Research Progress Documents for Research and Technology BRIN 2020

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

In accordance with the Amendment to the Research Contract for Fiscal Year 2020, dated May 11, 2020 Number: 3/AMD/E1/KP.PTNBH/2020, hereby inform researchers of the National Decentralization and Competitiveness Fund of the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency for 2020 please upload progress documents at Simlitabmas Login NG 2.0 no later than 18 September 2020 for the following documents:

1. Progress Report according to the template in Simlitabmas
2. Mandatory Outcomes and Additional Outcomes
3. Diary
4. Statement of Expenditure Responsibility (SPTB) downloaded and printed (in DRPM Letterhead) from Simlitabmas, signed on Stamp Rp. 6.000,- then scanned and converted to PDF format, and then uploaded to Simlitabmas;

Researchers are also requested to upload documents (softcopy) to SIMPEL ITS no later than September 18, 2020 (guide attached). This is necessary because the ITS DRPM has not been able to access reports and outputs in Simlitabmas NG 2.0.

Researchers are requested to submit the original stamped SPTB to the ITS DRPM office no later than September 21, 2020.
We thank you for your attention and cooperation.


  1. B 52192 Pemberitahuan Unggah Dok Kemajuan RistekBRIN 2020
  2. Lampiran 1 Unggah Laporan Kemajuan
  3. Lampiran 2 Contoh SPTB 2020
  4. Lampiran 3 Panduan Unggah Berkas di SIMPEL
  5. Lampiran 4 Daftar Peneliti RistekBRIN 2020 Skema Desentralisasi dan Kompetitif Nasional

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