We hereby inform you of the revised notification of the 2019 Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education’s 2019 DRPM Fund Research Progress Report. Researchers are required to report the progress of research implementation by collecting the following files:
1. Proposal Revision 2. Diary 3. Progress Report 4. SPTB 70% Stamped
Uploading progress reports and daily notes at Simlitabmas is done on the (old) login menu, while uploading 70% SPTB is on the NG 2.0 Login menu That’s it and thank you
ATTACHMENT : 1. Surat revisi pemberitahuan laporan kemajuan penelitian dana Kemenristekdikti 2. Surat Kewajiban unggah Laporan Kemajuan, Catatan Harian dan SPTB 3. Nomor SK, Kontrak Induk, Turunan dan Tanggal 4. Peraturan Dirjen Perbendaharaan Kementerian Keuangan No. Per-7_PB_2019 5. Klasifikasi Keuangan 6. Contoh Pengisian SPTB
It is hereby conveyed that the submission of the Palm Research Grant (GRS) 2022 proposal and the
Attachment : 1. Daftar Usulan Penelitian 2020 di Simlitabmas 2. Daftar Usulan Penelitian Pendanaan 2020 Yang Dikirim (Submit) di
Here is the Invitation and Schedule for Monitoring and Evaluation of Research and ITS Local Fund Abdimas in 2019
We hereby inform you of the revised notification of the 2019 Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education’s 2019