Various natural disasters have occurred nowadays, many infrastructure buildings have been affected, especially in areas that have problematic soil and geoenvironmental problems. This joint symposium was initiated to be a forum for discussion and sharing regarding geotechnical and geo-environmental aspects as well as multi-mitigation efforts when natural disasters occur. It is expected that this activity can establish good collaborations and friendship between the Japanese Geotechnical Society, JGS (Kyushu Branch) and the Indonesian Geotechnical Society, HATTI (East Java Branch). Participants who are expected to attend are not only academicians but also for the younger researchers and engineers, as well as practitioners.
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• Soil characteristics and properties
• Underground space and deep excavations
• Tunneling
• Slope, debris flow and embankments
• Dams
• Shallow and deep foundations
• Soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering
• Soil improvement
• Geoenvironmental engineering
• Geotechnical reliability, risk assessment and management
• Geosynthetics and Geoproducts
• Engineering geology and rock engineering
• Forensic engineering
• Offshore and harbor geotechnics
• In- situ testing and monitoring
• GeoEnergy
• Case History
• Numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction
• Geotechnical Infrastructures
• Marine Geotechnics
• Design and Modeling
• Transportation Geotechnics, Engineering and Technology
• Piling foundations, technologies and testing
• Trenchless technology in underground constructions
• Others

Abstract deadline :Sept 8th, 2024
Acceptance notification : Sept 18th, 2024
Scientific Paper or Extended Abstract deadline: Oct 18th, 2024
Registration: November 1st, 2024
Symposium event : December 4th– 6th, 2024

• Extended abstract
• Scientific paper

List of Comittee Indonesia – Japan Symposium December 2024
(ITS – Kumamoto University – HATTI – Japanese Geotehnical Society Kyushu Branch)

No Role HATTI – East Java Side JGS – Kyushu Side
Organizing Committee
1 Chairman Prof. Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro Prof. Toshifumi Mukunoki
2 Co-Chairman Dr. Trihanyndio Rendy S.
3 Secretary I Dr. Yudhi Lastiasih Prof. Yoshinori Fukubayashi
4 Secretary II Dr. Mahendra Andiek Maulana Mr. Satoshi Nagashima
5 Member I Dr. Dwa Desa Warnana International committee member
6 Member II Dr. Farida Rahmawati International committee member
Scientific Committee
1 Head Head of HATTI International committee
2 Member I HATTI Expert International committee member
3 Member II ITS-Geotechnical Lecturer International committee member
Steering committee
1 Head HATTI Representative International committee
2 Member I HATTI Member International committee member
3 Member II Students of ITS International committee member

Day Time (Indonesian Time) Event Venue
Wednesday, 4th Dec 2024 09:00 – 10:00 Welcoming Speech & Opening Show ITS
(Conference Day) 10:00 – 12:00 Keynote Speakers ITS
13:00 – 16:00 Parallel Session (participants) ITS
Thursday, 5th Dec 2024 08:00 – 12:00 Keynote Speakers ITS
(Conference Day) 13:00 – 16:00 Parallel Session (participants) ITS
19:00 – 21:00 Gala Dinner – optional activity Hotel
Friday, 6th Dec 2024 08:00 – 11:00 Sidoarjo Mud Volcano – optional activity Sidoarjo city
(Field Trip) 12:00 – 16:00 Lunch and Sightseeing – optional activity Surabaya city

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Surabaya, Indonesia



Gala Dinner:

Field Trip :
Porong Mud Volcano

The Sidoarjo mud flow (commonly known as Lumpur Lapindo, wherein lumpur is the Indonesian word for mud) is the result of an erupting mud volcano in the subdistrict of Porong, Sidoarjo in East Java, Indonesia that has been in eruption since May 2006. It is the biggest mud volcano in the world; responsibility for the disaster was assigned to the blowout of a natural gas well drilled by PT Lapindo Brantas, although company officials contend it was caused by a very distant earthquake that occurred in a different province. [wikipedia.org]

At its peak it spewed up to 180,000 cubic metres (6,400,000 cu ft; 240,000 cu yd) of mud per day. By mid August 2011, mud was being discharged at a rate of 10,000 cubic meters (13,000 cu yd) per day, with 15 bubbles around its gushing point. It is expected that the flow will continue for the next 25 to 30 years. Although the Sidoarjo mud flow has been contained by levees since November 2008, resultant floodings regularly disrupt local highways and villages, and further breakouts of mud are still possible. [wikipedia.org]

New mudflows spots begun in April 2010, this time on Porong Highway, which is the main road linking Surabaya with Probolinggo and islands to the east including Bali, despite roadway thickening and strengthening. A new highway is planned to replace this one however are held up by land acquisition issues. The main railway also runs by the area, which is in danger of explosions due to seepage of methane and ignition could come from something as simple as a tossed cigarette. [wikipedia.org]

The mud retaining levee at point P-67 had experienced a subsidence of five meters with a length of around 100 meters in October 2018. This condition makes residents who live around the embankment concern that the levee will fail at any time and water mixed with mud will overflow into residential areas. The Sidoarjo Mud Control Center (PPLS) began repairing the Lapindo mud embankment which experienced a decline at point P 67 in Gempol Sari Tanggulangin Village, Sidoarjo on the week after. [ANTARA news]

Registration Form (Indonesia side)

Registration Form (Japan side)
If you are JGS member, please do not register here and contact the chair from JGS side, Prof. Toshifumi Mukunoki (mukunoki@kumamoto-u.ac.jp)

Contact Person:

Indonesia (ITS)
Dr. Trihanyndio Rendy Satrya
Phone/WA: +62 811-333-286
Email: trendysatrya@its.ac.id

Japan (JGS)
Prof. Yoshinori Fukubayashi
Email: fukubayashi@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp