Take an active role in the development of science and technology, especially in the fields of marine, environment and settlements, energy, as well as information and communication technology with an environmental perspective through research activities of international quality.
- ITS organizes basic research, applied research, development research, and/or industrial research aimed at producing innovations that are beneficial for education and the nation’s excellence.
- Research is developed either independently by ITS or in collaboration with other institutions, business entities, and/or organizations both nationally and internationally.
- Research activities are carried out in monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary forms.
- Research activities are carried out by complying with academic norms and ethics in accordance with the principle of scientific autonomy which refers to the vision, mission, and goals of ITS, as well as the provisions of laws and regulations.
The purpose of conducting the Research:
- Take an active role in the development of science, technology, and the arts, especially in the fields of marine, environment and settlements, energy, information and communication technology, which are environmentally sound through research activities of international quality
- Make relevant and high-quality contributions in the development of science, technology, and art for technological independence, institutional needs, national and international development
- Develop research that refers to national strategic needs, sustainability of owned resources and increasing global competitive capabilities
- Developing research as a means of developing ITS human resource competencies in order to improve professionalism
Utilize all available resources to participate in solving problems faced by the community, industry, central government, and local governments by prioritizing information and communication technology facilities.
- ITS organizes community service in the form of services, empowerment, and/or collaboration with the community in accordance with norms, ethics, and in accordance with their academic competencies.
- Community service is carried out by ITS individually and/or in groups to apply science and technology along with research results in an effort to empower society, develop industry and regions, advance general intelligence, and educate the nation’s life.
- The results of community service are used for enrichment of learning and research as well as the development of science and technology.
- Further provisions regarding the implementation and utilization of the results of community service are regulated by the Rector’s Regulation.
- The Policy for Community Service is regulated in the Regulation of the Academic Senate of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Number 3 of 2017 concerning Norms and Policies for Community Service of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.
The purpose of organizing Community Service:
- Utilizing research results and available resources to solve problems faced by the community, industry, central government, and local governments by prioritizing information and communication technology facilities;
- Provide relevant and high-quality contributions in the application of science, technology, design, and art for national and international development needs.