Headline News

Implementation of the Signing of the Research Assignment Agreement and Community Service ITS Funds and 2021 Batch 1 Work Unit Funds

February 07, 2022 17:02:07
Latest News
February 07, 2022 17:02:07

The Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya in collaboration with the Tulungagung

February 07, 2022 17:02:07

Based on the 2020 Ministry Fund Research and Community Service Funding Agreement Article 7 paragraph 4 and paragraph 5, we hereby respectfully request that you please convey to the

February 07, 2022 17:02:07

In connection with the holding of the 2020 Cooperation Fund Research and Community Service Program at the DRPM which aims to facilitate the results of collaborative activities so that

February 07, 2022 17:02:07

DRPM ITS again provides an opportunity for lecturers within the ITS environment to propose Research and Community Service Program activities for Independent Funds and Cooperation in 2020 with the

February 07, 2022 17:02:07

If there are articles that have not been included in the results of the Batch II review, the lecturer concerned is welcome to process the validation of his article

DRPM > Page 23