Headline News

Implementation of the Signing of the Research Assignment Agreement and Community Service ITS Funds and 2021 Batch 1 Work Unit Funds

February 07, 2022 14:02:39
Latest News
February 07, 2022 14:02:39

In order to support the smooth running of research activities and community service as well as to prepare human researchers who are able to produce quality and useful publications

February 07, 2022 14:02:39

In order to increase the number of scientific publications of ITS in journals / proceedings of international reputation indexed (Scopus or equivalent), ITS through the DRPM will provide assistance

February 07, 2022 14:02:39

Policy Research Center, Research and Development Agency and Books, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in 2021 open the selection of research proposals for phase II, with the

February 07, 2022 14:02:39

Tim Pusat Kajian Potensi Daerah dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PPDM) – ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) yang diketuai oleh Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Santoso, Lic.Rer.Reg, tenaga ahli di PDPM dan

February 07, 2022 14:02:39

Following up on a letter from the Director of Resources – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology number 2044/E4/KD.00/2021 regarding Uploading Revision of Research Proposals through the SIMLITABMAS

DRPM > Page 31