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Implementation of the Signing of the Research Assignment Agreement and Community Service ITS Funds and 2021 Batch 1 Work Unit Funds

February 07, 2022 14:02:38
Latest News
February 07, 2022 14:02:38

In connection with the implementation of Research and Community Service, ITS Funds and Batch 2 Work Unit Funds in 2021, and based on the Decree of the ITS Chancellor

February 07, 2022 14:02:38

PDPM is again trusted to study development, social and environmental issues in districts/cities in Indonesia. This time, the partner is the Tuban Regency Regional Development Planning Agency. This year

February 07, 2022 14:02:38

Based on article 7 paragraph 3 of the Letter of Agreement on Funding for Research and Community Service ITS Funds and Funds for Batch 1 Work Unit FY 2021,

February 07, 2022 14:02:38

We congratulate the lecturers who have received the 2021 National Research Priority Research Funding Announcement Information : http://dikti.kemdikbud.go.id/sumber-daya/pengumuman-penerima-pendanaan-penelitian-prioritasriset-nasional-2021/ Thanks. ATTACHMENT : Surat Pengantar Pengumuman Penerima Pendanaan Penelitian Prioritas Riset

February 07, 2022 14:02:38

In accordance with the Research Implementation Agreement of the Ministry of Education and Culture-Ristek for Fiscal Year 2021 between the Director of Research and Community Service at the Sepuluh

DRPM > Page 33