Headline News

Implementation of the Signing of the Research Assignment Agreement and Community Service ITS Funds and 2021 Batch 1 Work Unit Funds

February 07, 2022 13:02:26
Latest News
February 07, 2022 13:02:26

In the following, we convey the ITS Chancellor’s Decision About Recipients of the Phase 1 Research Assistant Implementation Program (PAP) in 2021 Attachment : 1. Keputusan Rektor ITS Tentang

February 07, 2022 13:02:26

In the following, we convey the ITS Chancellor’s Decision About Recipients of the Postgraduate Assistance Program for Researchers (BPUP) Phase 1 in 2021 Attachment : 1. Keputusan Rektor ITS

February 07, 2022 13:02:26

Thursday, September 16, 2021, the Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PDPM) of the Directorate of Research and Community Service DRPM ITS held a meeting

February 07, 2022 13:02:26

In order to support the smooth running of research activities and community service as well as to prepare human researchers who are able to produce quality and useful publications

February 07, 2022 13:02:26

On Friday, October 08, 2021, the Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PDPM) ITS visited the Tuban Regency Bappeda to conduct a FGD for the

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