Headline News

Implementation of the Signing of the Research Assignment Agreement and Community Service ITS Funds and 2021 Batch 1 Work Unit Funds

July 22, 2019 09:07:32
Latest News
July 22, 2019 09:07:32

We inform list of names of International Publication incentive recipients Batch I Tahun 2019   Attachments : 1. Announcement Letter 2. Rector Decree on International Publication Incentive Recipients Batch

July 22, 2019 09:07:32

We hereby inform the Researchers to report the Logbook and Progress Report on the Implementation of Research and Community Service Activities. Progress Report and Logbook Research Activities and Community

July 22, 2019 09:07:32

Here we provide information about the offer of “India Technical and Economic Cooperative (ITEC) Civilian Training Program 2019-2020” scholarship and “ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF)” Government of the Republic

July 22, 2019 09:07:32

Here we submit information about the “33rd Khwarizmi International Award (KIA)” activity. This activity was carried out by the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology / IROST. The

July 22, 2019 09:07:32

The Directorate of Research and Community Service – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (DRPM – Kemenristekdikti) opens the opportunity for College lecturers under the Ministry of Research,

DRPM > Page 46