Headline News

Implementation of the Signing of the Research Assignment Agreement and Community Service ITS Funds and 2021 Batch 1 Work Unit Funds

February 08, 2022 13:02:29
Latest News
February 08, 2022 13:02:29

In the framework of the LPDP Invitation Innovative-Productive Research Funding Program (RISPRO), we hereby inform researchers to submit excellent research proposals with the theme Making Indonesia 4.0 For interested

February 08, 2022 13:02:29

Here we attach a list of 2019 Batch II Publication Incentive Recipients ATTACHMENT : 1. Daftar Penerima Insentif Publikasi Batch II Tahun 2019

February 08, 2022 13:02:29

The Nutrifood Research Center Grant 2020 is a research fund assistance program provided for researchers, lecturers, and students to support the birth of quality research related to limiting the

February 08, 2022 13:02:29

COMPETITION RISPRO SELECTION The Competitive RISPRO Funding Proposal is made through a competitive selection, which consists of: administrative selection by the LPDP Team; and Substance selection by reviewers assigned

February 08, 2022 13:02:29

We hereby inform that the Directorate of Research and Community Service ITS provides an opportunity for Lecturers/Researchers to submit a proposal for the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program for the

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