We hereby inform you that the selection process for the International Publication Incentive batch I 2020 will be conducted online through SIMPEL ITS, which will be opened on July 8, 2020 until July 19, 2020.
In connection with the above, we ask for the assistance of the Heads of Departments to convey this information to the Lecturers in the Department environment, as well as reviewing and giving approval for publications submitted online through SIMPEL ITS. For your attention and cooperation we extend our thanks
1. Surat pengantar Pengajuan Insentif Publikasi bacth 1 Tahun 2020
2. Mekanisme Usulan Insentif Publikasi Internasional 2020
3. Panduan Insentif Publikasi Internasional 2020
ITS Wins Award at BI Awards 2024 for Contribution to Halal Economy Development Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues
We hereby inform you that the granting of the 2021 Batch I International Publication Incentives which is carried out
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Download SK Rektor tentang Perubahan Penerima Insentif Publikasi Internasional Terindeks Tambahan Tahun 2019 Post Views: 847