On Wednesday, February 3, 2022, the Financial and Regional Revenue Management Agency (BPKAD) of Mojokerto City visited PDPM ITS to carry out coordination regarding cooperation in the Preparation of Mojokerto City Price Standards in 2023. The team from Mojokerto City BPKAD, namely Ahmad Atim Solikin, SE as Head Asset Sector, Akhmad Jamaluddin, SE, MM as Head of Asset Planning and Administration Sub-sector, M.Masqirom.MW, SE as Head of Assets Transfer and Security Sub-sector, Dwi Indah Kuswanti, SE as drafter of the plan on the results of the review of the proposal for the disposal of goods and assets. Nur Annisa A.Md as computer administrator. Meanwhile, PDPM ITS was represented by Dr. Sutikno, M.Si as the head of PDPM ITS and the team.
The Mojokerto City BPKAD collaboration with PDPM ITS has entered its third year. The purpose of setting price standards for the City of Mojokerto is to ensure uniformity among Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in the preparation of work plans and budgets in the 2023 fiscal year. The work carried out is in the form of Price Unit Surveys (SSH), Expenditure Standard Analysis (ASB) and Basic Unit Prices Activity (HSPK) of Mojokerto City in 2023. The initial step of this activity is Dr. Sutikno, M.Si and the PDPM Team were asked to be present in Mojokerto City to give a briefing to the Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD).
Several discussions were conveyed by the Mojokerto City BPKAD, for example: “how to determine the standard unit price if after being surveyed there are 3 kinds of prices, namely the lowest price, the middle price and the highest price?”. Dr. Sutikno, M.Si explained that the price will be compared with last year’s price first, then if the maximum survey price is less than the initial price, the maximum price for the survey will be used. If the mean value of the survey price is less than the initial price, then the maximum price of the survey price will be used. If the minimum survey price is greater than the initial price, the minimum survey price will be used. If the mean value of the survey price is greater than the initial price, the median (middle value) of the survey price will be used.
As an evaluation of the previous year’s survey, Dr. Sutikno, M.Si said that there needs to be further evaluation regarding the fluctuating brand and price of goods, elements of inflation, taxes and shipping costs. In determining the unit price, it is necessary to consider the existence of inflation and the factor of shipping costs. Akhmad Jamaluddin, SE, MM agreed on this and asked that for this year, the calculation of SSH, ASB and HSPK needs to consider the element of inflation. (dw/sc)
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On Wednesday, February 3, 2022, the Financial and Regional Revenue Management Agency (BPKAD) of Mojokerto City visited PDPM ITS