inDik SURABAYA – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again achieved national recognition by winning five awards at the
We hereby inform you that there is an EXTENSION OF T.A. NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM (INSINAS) T.A. 2020 which originally ended on November 22, 2019 to November 24, 2019 with
In the framework of the LPDP Invitation Innovative-Productive Research Funding Program (RISPRO), we hereby inform researchers to submit excellent research proposals with the theme Making Indonesia 4.0 For interested
The Nutrifood Research Center Grant 2020 is a research fund assistance program provided for researchers, lecturers, and students to support the birth of quality research related to limiting the
COMPETITION RISPRO SELECTION The Competitive RISPRO Funding Proposal is made through a competitive selection, which consists of: administrative selection by the LPDP Team; and Substance selection by reviewers assigned
We hereby inform that the Directorate of Research and Community Service ITS provides an opportunity for Lecturers/Researchers to submit a proposal for the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program for the