inDik SURABAYA – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again achieved national recognition by winning five awards at the
In connection with the implementation of Research and Community Service, ITS Funds and Batch 2 Work Unit Funds in 2021, and based on the Decree of the ITS Chancellor
Based on article 7 paragraph 3 of the Letter of Agreement on Funding for Research and Community Service ITS Funds and Funds for Batch 1 Work Unit FY 2021,
We congratulate the lecturers who have received the 2021 National Research Priority Research Funding Announcement Information : Thanks. ATTACHMENT : Surat Pengantar Pengumuman Penerima Pendanaan Penelitian Prioritas Riset
In accordance with the Research Implementation Agreement of the Ministry of Education and Culture-Ristek for Fiscal Year 2021 between the Director of Research and Community Service at the Sepuluh
Dear. ITS Research Chairs In connection with the Research Contract for Fiscal Year 2021 Article 11 Paragraph 2, we hereby request to submit to the Heads of Researcher Funds