inDik SURABAYA – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again achieved national recognition by winning five awards at the
In connection with the RISPRO Invitations LPDP Batch II 2019, we need to inform that admission of proposals is done online through the website Admission of RISPRO proposals
Proposal Admission of Independent Funding Research and Community Services 2019. Proposal admissions by online via the no later than May 23, 2019 at 23:59 WIB Attachment :
RISPRO is a competitive research funding program and initiative that aims to improve the competitiveness of the nation through the commercialization of products / technology or the implementation of
In order to enrich the perspective of Bank Indonesia’s policy formulation by encouraging the participation of external researchers through high-quality research, we hereby provide opportunities for researchers at your
Submission of PPTI Proposal for 2019 Chapter II which originally ended on March 25, 2019 to March 30, 2019 with the following schedule: 1 Proposal Submission 15 – 30