inDik SURABAYA – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again achieved national recognition by winning five awards at the
Following our letter number: B/10440/IT2.IV.1/PN.02.00/2021 dated February 25, 2021, it is respectfully conveyed that the ITS DRPM again provides an opportunity for lecturers and staff within ITS to propose
Friday and Saturday, 19-20 March 2021, the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM)-DRPM ITS installed panels and hydroponic planting media in Hydroponic Village RT 08 RW
ATTACHMENT ;PDPM ITS consistently contributes to being part of the study of development issues in Indonesia. On April 20, 2021, PDPM ITS participated in the FGD of the final
Technology Products Disseminated to the Community (PTDM) is a community service scheme that is managed and developed by the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Deputy for Strengthening Research
In order to support the smooth running of research activities and community service as well as to prepare human researchers who are able to produce quality and useful publications