In the midst of common concerns that the Covid-19 pandemic has not subsided, many activities have had to be reduced or even postponed and cancelled.
However, to maintain performance and complete existing cooperation programs, in addition to some activities turning online, PDPM also continues to carry out limited direct activities at the PDPM office at the ITS Research Center Building 7th floor, while still implementing the health protocol. Covid-19 prevention.
PDPM puts staff to continue to open services directly. Almost every day there will still be PDPM staff on duty and activities in the PDPM office. With the implementation of strict health protocols, it is hoped that PDPM will continue to maintain its performance to continue activities and carry out various activities with its cooperation partners.
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We hereby inform you that the provision of International Publication Incentives batch II in 2020 which is carried out
On Wednesday, February 3, 2022, the Financial and Regional Revenue Management Agency (BPKAD) of Mojokerto City visited PDPM ITS