The aim of the ITS Local Fund Research grant program is to encourage the achievement of the vision and goals of ITS in the research and community service, specifically:

  1. Improve the role of the laboratory as the spearhead of research activities at ITS.
  2. Increasing the capacity, role, and participation of lecturers in research activities in the laboratory, especially to create and develop track records that are sufficient and in accordance to the competencies of ITS lecturers.
  3. Improve research networks with research institutions both at home and abroad.
  4. Increasing the quantity and quality of research and its well-disseminated outcomes, in the form of scientific publications and patents, technology products, policies (guidelines, regulations), models, and social engineering as well as providing high benefits to industries or community groups in need.


To meet the needs of various types of research at ITS, the implementation of the research is divided into 2 (two) categories, namely the ITS Prime Research (PU-ITS) and the ITS Supporting Research (PPU-ITS). The ITS Prime Research refers to 8 (eight) ITS superior fields which are determined based on the research road map of each Study Center, other centers and are top-down in nature, while the Supporting Research is divided into 12 (twelve) types of bottom-up and mandatory research in-line with 7 (seven) superior ITS fields. The types of Prime research and supporting research are as follows:

  1. ITS Prime Research : 100-150 million / title. The output targets set are 2 (two) Scopus indexed international journals and patented in the last year.
  2. Laboratory research : 50 million / title. The output target set is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal
  3. Lab Based-Education Research : 50 million / title. The output target set is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal
  4. Research on prototype development: 60 million / title. Output targets set are 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal and patented prototype (required)
  5. New Doctoral Research : 50 million / title. Output targets set are 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal and patented prototype (optional)
  6. Postgraduate research : 50 million / title. The output target set is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal and finished Thesis / Dissertation book
  7. International Collaboration Research : 50 million /title. The output target set is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal
  8. Beginner Research : 50 million /title. The output target set is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal
  9. Research Policy Review: 50 million / title. The specified target is a policy recommendation or technology product as a policy instrument
  10. EPI-Unet Research : 50 million / title. The output target set is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal
  11. Inter-universities Collaboration Research : 50 million / title. The output target set is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international journal
  12. Independent Funding Research / Departments: The specified target is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international paper
  13. Research of Industrial Cooperation: The target set specified is 1 (one) Scopus indexed international publication


To become a researcher of ITS local funds, lecturers/researchers must have an account at SIMPEL ITS. SIMPEL ITS is an information system built by Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) ITS to facilitate conveying information about research activities, both in the form of research and community service, starting from the process of registration, selection, to progress reports.

The following are some of the ITS External Fund Research :

  1. Research funding from KemenristekdiktiThe Research Program held by the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening (Directorate of Research and Community Service) for Lecturers in Higher Education includes 3 categories namely National Competitive Research, Decentralization Research, and Assignment Research.
  2. Research incentives from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti)
  3. Research Funding from other Ministries.
  4. LPDP Ministry of Finance
  5. USAID, AUSAID, JICA, ILO Toray Foundation and other sources from overseas.
  6. KNIU-Ministry of Education and Culture.
  7. Other sources.