In order to appreciate the performance of lecturers who have carried out research and community service that has an impact, ITS will give awards for the achievements of the lecturers in question.
In connection with the above, we ask the Head of the Department to propose an award for lecturers who are deemed to meet the requirements. Herewith we send the ITS Outstanding Lecturer Award Guide in the field of Research and Community Service, and the Proposal Form.
Furthermore, after the proposal form is filled in, please send it back to us via e-office, no later than November 27, 2020.
For your attention and cooperation we extend our thanks.
Surabaya, January 23, 2025 – ITS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with the Gauss
It is hereby conveyed that the submission of the Palm Research Grant (GRS) 2022 proposal and the
Attachment : 1. Daftar Usulan Penelitian 2020 di Simlitabmas 2. Daftar Usulan Penelitian Pendanaan 2020 Yang Dikirim (Submit) di
Here is the Invitation and Schedule for Monitoring and Evaluation of Research and ITS Local Fund Abdimas in 2019